Services Offered

Welcome to the 'Wellness Room'.........

...where the  journey to wellness begins....

Private Practice Sessions:

I run my private practice from my home, and offer a nonjudgmental, compassionate and safe space for people to find their truth. I work with babies to adults. Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by their parent or guardian for all treatments. Healing sessions are 1 hour long.

Distant Healing Sessions:

Distance Reiki treatments involve I sending Reiki energy to a client who is not physically present with me. Reiki is not limited by distance, so if a client’s needs healing and cannot attend my practice, I can work on them remotely and they can experience reiki's beneficial effects without being in the same physical space as myself. 

Mobile Reiki Services and Mobile EFT work:

If a client’s needs hands-on healing or EFT/tapping work and are unable attend my practice, I can come to them with my therapy bed for Reiki and do a session in their home.  A modest extra charge for petrol expenses is included with the normal fee.

Voluntary Healing

Providing Reiki and EFT/Tapping in Local Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Hospices. All treatments are voluntary and free.

Teaching Level 1, 2 and 3 Reiki

I am fully trained to teach all levels of Reiki, including Level 1/Degree 1, Level2/Degree 2 and Level 3/Master Reiki level. I can take up to 6 students for Reiki Levels 1, 2 and 3 for any given Course Level.


Tapping EFT in clubs or organisations as part of a wellness program to manage all types of symptoms both physical or emotional. A group rate applies.


~  and sharing my self progress and dreams with you :) ~


Instagram page coming soon!


London April 2025. Tapping Workshop.. "Tap into your best Self!  with Brad Yates, Master EFT Teacher.

EFT / Tapping Teacher..... still training, Fully completed June 2025


Teaching EFT/Tapping in the classroom both primary and secondary settings and in creches. In May 2025 I am commencing 20 hours online development training in EFT in the Classroom'. The training comprises over 11 modules, with Dr. Peta Stapleton, Bond University. Australia, This treatment is compared Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, enabling students to identify and deal with the anxieties and fears that cripple them. This work gives the power back to the student and enables them to work through problems both in and outside the school environment. When a child's balance is restored there is automatically greater opportunities for learning. End goal is to promote, harmony, confidence and resilience. Being a mother and secondary school teacher for over 25 years it is my strong desire to offer and teach this therapy on an individual basis in my practice and to offer it in a school setting to individuals and a group basis to children/students of  all ages, to enabling them to cope with any difficulties they encounter in their lives.


Corporate Wellness Service in Tapping and Reiki

Reiki and EFT/Tapping provide ways to create a more positive work environment, by using techniques for reducing stress in the workplace.

I am planning to create and deliver corporate wellness services to companies and organisations, offering EFT/Tapping workshops and Reiki within the workplace. I am developing wellness plans to suit the needs of the given client's/company's needs.

I am designing  wellness days, mornings or afternoons to provide 30 minute individual treatments to employee's in Reiki and/or EFT/Tapping or group sessions in Tapping.

Empowering employees and leaving them feeling valued, relaxed and energised is the aim.


Other information

  • I am a Member of the Reiki Federation of Ireland  

  • I am a Member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity

  • I am commencing a Diploma in Sound Therapy with Obus Academy, Leixlip, Co. Kildare in June 2025. When qualified I will be able to offer sound healing to clients in a one-on-one session and run group sound baths. This therapy method hugely interests me for its beauty and its gentle and supportive method of healing. I will also be using sound as a mediation tool.

  • In 2024/2025 I completed 16 hours of Restorative Practice training, learning ways of  working with conflict that put the focus on repairing the harm that has been done.

  • Drawing on my art and design background in Ceramics for over 30 years  and teaching secondary school Art for over 25 years I do commissions in the form of Reiki Symbol Cyanotypes, Cyanotypes, Dry Point Needle Felting,  Paintings, Nature Photography, Spiritual Art.

Should you be interested or require information on any of the above services please contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

My phone number 0862352977

My email address

My website 

My instagram page.... coming soon:)

Thank you😊🌸


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