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About me....


Hello , my name is Geraldine O'Brien and I run 'Force for Good' Healing.

I have been healing since 2006. I am a Master Reiki Practitioner, Reiki Teacher and an EFT/Tapping Practitioner. I am driven to help people and especially to enable people help themselves, to restore balance in their body, mind and spirit. The work I do offers love to the part of them that can’t find their purpose or peace, the part that is sick, scared, in pain or dis-ease. I use both Reiki and EFT to gently and compassionately restore balance, promote healing, growth and empowerment.

I could not do this work if I had not experienced extreme suffering, fear, sickness and painful loss in my own life. Living, growing and working through my own challenges does not preclude me from sharing my light with others and holding a safe space for them. It gives me a greater understanding and stronger desire to help and heal.

Since 1993 I have been actively involved in Art Education and Secondary School Art Teaching.

I am a very proud single mother to the 2 most wonderful gifts in my life, Rachel and Sarah.

I am blessed, I am so grateful.

I have always been inspired by the writing and teachings of the Dalai Lama. The following is a favourite poem recited daily by him and sums up my intentions and purpose.....which for me is to show up every day in the world as a 'Force for Good' ......

'For as long as space endures

And, or, as long as living beings remain

Until then may I too abide

To dispel the misery of the world'

Thank you😊🌸

'Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle'

Philo of Alexandria (Circa 20 BC – D 50) Philosopher

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